
This DVD Set is a compilation of 12 thirty minute TV programs, broken down into 3 lessons, with each lesson containing 4 programs.
Lesson 1: Jacob, Esau, Birthright – Jacob’s Wives & 12 Sons – Joseph Sold into Egypt: Picture of Christ: Genesis 25-46
Lesson 2: Review of Joseph – Population Explosion – Birth and Rejection of Moses: Genesis 46 – Exodus 4
Lesson 3: Moses, the Deliverer of Israel: Exodus 4-8

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Lesson 1: Jacob, Esau, Birthright – Jacob’s Wives & 12 Sons – Joseph Sold into Egypt: Picture of Christ: Genesis 25-46
Lesson 2: Review of Joseph – Population Explosion – Birth and Rejection of Moses: Genesis 46 – Exodus 4
Lesson 3: Moses, the Deliverer of Israel: Exodus 4-8

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